Wilson Rides
Providing Safe & Reliable Transportation for Older Adults in Wilson County, TN
How it Works
Step 1: Apply to Become a Member
Step 2: Complete Your Home Visit
Step 3: Start Riding With Us!
Our Mission
To preserve the quality of life and foster a connected community for older adults residing in Wilson County, TN, by providing safe, affordable transportation to local destinations.
Our Vision
All older adults in Wilson County have access to affordable and assisted transportation options that appropriately support their mobility needs.
Drive for Us
Make a meaningful impact in your community by volunteering as a driver for Wilson Rides. Help seniors stay connected and independent by providing essential transportation services.
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Our Podcast
Story Time with Wilson Rides
Discover captivating stories from our local seniors on the “Story Time with Wilson Rides” podcast. Join us as we explore their remarkable experiences and treasured memories.
Listen to the Podcast