Wilson County Specialty License Plates
Show your love for Wilson Rides with a Specialty License Plate! Simply take your old plate to the County Clerk’s Office and exchange it for a Wilson County plate. An additional fee will be added to your annual registration, with $17.50 going to Wilson Rides.
For more info, visit tn.gov.

License Plate FAQ
How much does it cost?
The annual fee for a specialty license plate in Tennessee is currently $61.50 (versus the standard plate fee of $26.50). A portion of each yearly specialty plate fee will also go to Wilson Rides Inc. So, when you have a Wilson County Specialty License Plate, you’re making wishes come true year after year!
What does the $35 purchase of this plate benefit?
Minus a small production cost to produce the plates, 50% of the fee is allocated to the non-profit Wilson Rides Inc, 40% to the TN Arts Commission, and 10% to the TN Highway fund. The fee is tax-deductible.
If Wilson County license plates benefit a non-profit organization, how much of my $35.00 plate fee is tax deductible?
Minus a small production cost to produce the plates, 50% of the fee is allocated to the non-profit Wilson Rides Inc, 40% to the TN Arts Commission, and 10% to the TN Highway fund. The fee is tax-deductible.
May I personalize my plate?
Specific numbered or personalized plates are not available for the pre-sale of 1000 plates. You will have that option on the next renewal of your specialty plate.
When do I receive my plate?
The TN Department of Revenue will mail letters to let customers know when their assigned plates will be in their local county clerk’s office.
Who designed the plate?
Wilson County “The Place to Be” license plate was designed by an artist who graduated from Wilson Central High School, graduated from MTSO, and returned to Watertown, TN to work in the field of art design.
What happens if my current plate registration expires before my new plate arrives
Follow your normal renewal process. The TN Department of Revenue will mail letters to let customers know when their assigned plates will be in their local county clerk’s office. When you pick up your plate, you will receive a credit for the remaining days of your term unless your tags are due to expire within 30 days. Your new tags will expire 1 year from the date you are issued your specialty license plate.
Do I have to renew my registration to pre-order a plate?
The TN Department of Revenue will mail letters to let customers know when their assigned plates will be in their local county clerk’s office. When you pick up your plate, you will receive a credit for the remaining days of your term unless your tags are due to expire within 30 days. Your new tags will expire 1 year from the date you are issued your specialty license plate.
What if I just renewed my plate?
The TN Department of Revenue will mail letters to let customers know when their assigned plates will be in their local county clerk’s office. When you pick up your plate, you will receive a credit for the remaining days of your term unless your tags are due to expire within 30 days. Your new tags will expire 1 year from the date you are issued your specialty license plate.
What if I already own a different specialty plate?
If you own more than one vehicle, you may want to order this specialty license plate. Registration applies to a single vehicle.
Is shipping included in the $35 fee?
There is no additional shipping fee. The TN Department of Revenue will mail letters to let customers know when their assigned plates will be in their local county clerk’s office.
What happens to my existing license plate?
Your existing license plate will be no longer be registered to a vehicle, and you can keep it.
Is there a limit to the number of plates I can order?
The specialty plate is available for vehicles registered in TN excluding commercial vehicles. If you own more than one vehicle, you may want to order this specialty license plate for each vehicle. Registration applies to a single vehicle.
If have more than one car, do I need to fill out the form separately for each plate I want to purchase?
Yes. If there are multiple drivers in your household that will be ordering a plate, you will fill out the form once for each driver. The “Your Information” section should include the name and contact information for the vehicle registrant. For example, if you are purchasing 3 plates for 3 separate family members, but the title of all 3 vehicles is under the same name, you will fill out the form 3 times with the same information.
Is this the final design of the plate?
Yes, this plate design was approved by the Wilson County Commission and accepted by the TN legislature. Wilson County “The Place to Be” license plate was designed by an artist who graduated from Wilson Central High School, graduated from MTSU, and returned to Watertown, TN to work in the field of art design.
I live outside of Tennessee, may I still pre-order a plate?
You must be a resident of Tennessee to purchase a Wilson County specialty license plate.