Lebanon, TN (10/11/2024) – Wilson County, Tennessee has received the Certificate of Commitment for becoming an Age-Friendly Community in the AARP network. Wilson County is 1 of only 2 counties in the state to achieve this certification. Wilson County has much to offer the senior population for social connections, senior transportation, civic participation, and other areas important to quality of life. To earn certification, the county demonstrated commitment to fostering age-friendly action plans which make Wilson County a happy, healthy “Place to Be” for residents of all ages.
The senior population is the fastest growing demographic in Tennessee. In Wilson County, almost 35,000 residents are age 60+. By 2030—within 6 years—over 45,000 residents will be over 60. This growth is due to people moving into Wilson County, but it is also organic, with local adults naturally aging into the senior segment.
Wilson County Mayor, Randall Hutto wrote a Letter of Support, and the County Commission signed a Resolution to demonstrate the level of commitment to making Wilson County age friendly. An Advisory Council of community leaders and partner agencies including GNRC, MCHRA, Home Instead, and the Jimmy Floyd Community Center met to identify the many ways our community supports senior adults. It has always been a priority for Mayor Hutto to ensure that quality of life exists for seniors.
The next steps are to conduct a community assessment survey and make an action plan, integrating current initiatives with new projects to develop the age-friendly livable community which is Wilson County. The county’s goals coincide with the TN Department of Health’s 2024-2026 state health plan’s goal to expand age-friendly communities across the state. As an age-friendly community, the motto “Wilson County, The Place to Be” holds true for residents of all ages!