Donate by Mail
Make Checks Payable to “Wilson Rides Inc.”
Wilson Rides Inc.
2055 North Mount Juliet Rd. Ste. 200
Mt. Juliet, TN 37122
Matching Gifts
Many employers offer matching gift programs, doubling the impact of your donation. Check with your organization to see if it matches employee charitable contributions. If so, matching gifts can be sent to our mailing address.
Give Stocks & Funds
You can transfer stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares to Wilson Rides Inc. if you have owned them for more than one year.
Wilson Rides will liquidate the security and use the proceeds to directly support our operations and scope of work.
Donor Advised Funds
We gratefully accept funding for our programs through Donor Advised Funds.
To learn more about Wilson Rides Inc., please find us on GuideStar.
IRA Rollover
Taxpayers aged 70 ½ or older can use the IRA Charitable Rollover to donate up to $100,000 annually from their individual retirement accounts to a 501(c)(3) nonprofit like Wilson Rides Inc., often tax-free. These donations can also satisfy all or part of your Required Minimum Distribution. Contact your IRA custodian, financial planner, or accountant.
Legacy Giving
Retirement Plan or Life Insurance
You can name Wilson Rides, Inc. as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(K), life insurance policy, or another qualified plan. Designating Wilson Rides, Inc. to receive all or a portion of the balance of a plan or policy you own will leave a lasting legacy after your death.
Gifts by Will
If you wish to name Wilson Rides, Inc. as a beneficiary in your will, please contact your tax and legal advisors to determine how these planned giving options will affect your estate plans.
License Plates
Show your love for Wilson Rides with a Specialty License Plate! Simply take your old plate to the County Clerk’s Office and exchange it for a Wilson County plate. An additional fee will be added to your annual registration, with $17.50 going to Wilson Rides.
For more information, visit

Kroger Rewards
Wilson Rides Inc would like to ask for your support through Kroger Community Rewards! Please sign up to take advantage of KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS PROGRAM where money can be accumulated and applied to our organization. Remember, this program WILL NOT take away from your personal savings and rewards that you accumulate at Kroger. The easiest way to find our organization is by using the code VJ062 when searching for Wilson Rides Inc.